Getting home after a weekend of fishing and finding out you left your bluefish in the fridge at the camp site...
Got some news yesterday that Aquatic Vision,out in Brackenfell,Northern suburbs of Cape Town,was robbed by an armed gang last week Sunday. Luckily nobody got seriously injured,one guy got pistol whipped and had to get seven stitches. The shop lost something like 80 grand. Anybody else with some additional info? This news bulletin was brought to you by BNN.(Bearded Ninja News)
Discovered that I have a brand spanking new spare spectra lighting ballast in the cupboard and then that RS have IP68 bases for T8 G13 Tubes. They also have fittings for the smaller T5 G5 lamps
Luis, my best advice is ideally not to live in a free standing house, as security is very important here these days depending where you live of course and a drain on your life without it, setting alarms and false alarms, electrifying your property, beams outside and in, surveillance cameras monitored on your mobile phone, big dogs and locking your bedroom door at night are all orders of the day, that's the sad sick reality here.. More often than not it's partly an inside job, unbelievably I recently had a fish theft through staff here !
Re: Re: Stuff that happened to you today but isn't worth a thread They knew there was cash on hand otherwise they would not have bothered, would polygraph staff to find out if somebody gave them Info.
Re: Re: Stuff that happened to you today but isn't worth a thread Your security must be good with a good early warning system - beams, electric fencing etc, gates that will give you enough time to get to your firearm
Stuff that happened to you today but isn't worth a thread They've even broken into some of the old churches to steal the collection money and PA equip.. The little church down the road from us had ALL the stained glass windows stolen last year!!! Soft target?
Re: Stuff that happened to you today but isn't worth a thread From a church? man.. that is really low.. I do understand that it is often inside job... I am to live in a bad neighbourhood, 100 meters from a sheebeen, and any one dumb enough to rob someone in the area will have his nuts cut... however my brother in law lives in Pinelands, and once they even stole his windows... the frames an all.. The ADT guy that came in, was really surprised that the windows had been taken, he had never seen anything like it..
Oh I had a fun weekend... Some clever person ran on my roof each time I switch off the lights of the house to go to bed, when I switch the lights back on and let the Boerboel take a walk with me and my Katana Sword they made a duck for it. That continued from 9 pm - 12 am Friday night.. After calling the police and them doing a full drug search of my property it miraculously stopped.... I stay in a secure complex. Last night my parents in law locked themselves in the house and misplaced the keys, I had to drive there at 10:30pm to open for them. When I got there my wife calls me and says there is someone in the yard and the Boerboel is going insane.. I told her to keep the dog in the room, rushed back there at one hell of a speed, check the yard upon arrival and see a nice trail of muddy footsteps in my garden. Can't remember when last I had some decent quality sleep.
Oh it happens, my mom worked for a church most of her life, once they robbed the safes and also took all the wine and bread that was supposed to be used for the next evening's service... Oh and also a few Bibles as well... Sick tormented world this is.
Re: Re: Stuff that happened to you today but isn't worth a thread How the hell does he get on or off the roof with the boerboel there?
Re: Re: Stuff that happened to you today but isn't worth a thread easy answer bud ... burglar has done his homework and comes with a female boerboel on heat..